Tuesday 9 October 2012

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon

I was signed up for the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon about 6 months ago. After the recent devastating news about my Dad, I decided this was even more a reason to carry on training and carry out the half marathon for him. So I was woken up on Sunday 7th October at the crack of dawn to a beautifully sunny day; Dad shining his light down on me and making sure I had nice weather for the race. I got to the event at 8.15-way to early and full of nerves but ready to run. I went and signed in at the NSPCC charity spot, since I was raising money for the NSPCC. I then went to my designated start area and had to wait around for 20 minutes in the bitter cold! The race horn then went off and the race started. I completed the course in 1 hour 57 minutes, a time which I was very happy with since I was expecting just under 2 and a half hours! You can still sponsor me at: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserPage.action?userUrl=GeorgieSandeman&pageUrl=3 Luckily I overtook this guy!

1 comment:

  1. Great work G! Love the picture - and your running buddy too!
