Thursday 11 October 2012

Christmas Cards

Here are some Christmas card stencils ready to be screenprinted. Hand cut.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Finished Paper Cuts

London Fashion Weekend Daks A/W 2012-13

I went to London Fashion Weekend on the 21st September to watch the Daks fashion show. We were shown a preview to the Daks Autumn Winter 2012-13 collection.
The Daks fashion show consisted of wide trousers and large overcoats. This is the first time I have seen a Daks fashion show and designer Sheila McKain-Ward did not disappoint. Quilts, pleats, tweeds and checks. Sheila McKain-Ward worked to a theme of architecture, geometry and landscapes. And she continued the brand's signature simplicity and sense of Britishness. She used a coffee coloured palatte with a later splash of red. My favourite piece was this jacket that the presenter was wearing:
The fashion show was then presented and here are some of my favourites:

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon

I was signed up for the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon about 6 months ago. After the recent devastating news about my Dad, I decided this was even more a reason to carry on training and carry out the half marathon for him. So I was woken up on Sunday 7th October at the crack of dawn to a beautifully sunny day; Dad shining his light down on me and making sure I had nice weather for the race. I got to the event at 8.15-way to early and full of nerves but ready to run. I went and signed in at the NSPCC charity spot, since I was raising money for the NSPCC. I then went to my designated start area and had to wait around for 20 minutes in the bitter cold! The race horn then went off and the race started. I completed the course in 1 hour 57 minutes, a time which I was very happy with since I was expecting just under 2 and a half hours! You can still sponsor me at: Luckily I overtook this guy!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

My Dearest Darling Daddy

I am writing this post for my dearest darling Daddy, Patrick Sandeman, who sadly passed away on Saturday 22nd September in a skydiving accident. My father was the most loving, kind person and he looked out for everyone. He supported me in every way possible and when I was going through a psychotic episode in November last year, he came to visit me everyday with all sorts of goodies, including chocolate, his favourite naughty treat! I felt like I was in Heaven whenever he came to visit and I could eat as much chocolate as I liked without putting on weight (a girl of my age's worst nightmare!) this thought gives me comfort as I know from my experiences that a heaven must exist, and he is looking down on me right now. My last memory of my lovely Daddy is of him in a fairly drunk stupor after having some great friends round for a boozy supper, whispering to me "there are some very special chocolates in the fridge which I got given at a port tasting, they melt in your mouth and are heaven! Go and eat one before you go to bed! Don't tell Mummy though!" I giggled and told him how much I loved him. We have set up a just giving site in memory of him to give people who have had spinal injuries a chance of a lifetime to go on an exciting journey. The link is: Please find it in your hearts to donate to this cause in memory of my Dad.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

New logo for the business

So I've sampled my logo and it turns out it was too difficult to read, not blue enough and just a little bit fuzzy. So here's the new improved! Hope you like it...

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Saturday 4 August 2012

London 2012 Olympics

Went to the Olympic Park yesterday and this is what we saw...