Wednesday 26 September 2012

My Dearest Darling Daddy

I am writing this post for my dearest darling Daddy, Patrick Sandeman, who sadly passed away on Saturday 22nd September in a skydiving accident. My father was the most loving, kind person and he looked out for everyone. He supported me in every way possible and when I was going through a psychotic episode in November last year, he came to visit me everyday with all sorts of goodies, including chocolate, his favourite naughty treat! I felt like I was in Heaven whenever he came to visit and I could eat as much chocolate as I liked without putting on weight (a girl of my age's worst nightmare!) this thought gives me comfort as I know from my experiences that a heaven must exist, and he is looking down on me right now. My last memory of my lovely Daddy is of him in a fairly drunk stupor after having some great friends round for a boozy supper, whispering to me "there are some very special chocolates in the fridge which I got given at a port tasting, they melt in your mouth and are heaven! Go and eat one before you go to bed! Don't tell Mummy though!" I giggled and told him how much I loved him. We have set up a just giving site in memory of him to give people who have had spinal injuries a chance of a lifetime to go on an exciting journey. The link is: Please find it in your hearts to donate to this cause in memory of my Dad.