Wednesday 29 October 2014

Long time no see!

I feel like I've been very lazy with my blog recently...part of the reason is because I have stopped my regular screen printing course since it became too expensive and I wasn't enjoying it enough.

Another reason is that I have just been SO busy, with Retreat 4 Your Feet and Muffin Mad!

Business(es) is booming! Lots of new clients for Retreat 4 Your Feet, and a few for Muffin Mad too, so I'm happy with the way things are going. I will try to blog more regularly from now on, so watch this space!

New Look!

After 3 years of having the same logo for Retreat 4 Your Feet I decided we needed a little updating! I hastily called some graphic designer friends after drawing a "logo" and sent that their way. Here's what we came up with...the old, the drawn, and the new!

The Old

The drawn

The new!

Monday 12 May 2014

New Site, New Business!

I am currently in the process of developing a new business..."Muffin Mad" to go alongside my Reflexology business. Check the site for more info...

Saturday 18 January 2014

Friday 29 November 2013

African prints

The final copies of my African screen print. I have done one copy in the original colours and one in the inversion of colours, so the opposite colour on the colour wheel.

Friday 11 October 2013

Works in progress

I'm working on screenprinting a picture from my African trip. Its a photograph of 3 Masai warriors. I am doing it with a mixture of paper stencils and photographic transfers. The project we are working on is "exploring colour" so i am looking at the colour wheel and printint in the opposite of the original colour...meaning I have to do double paper cuts! It is a work in progress, final stages will be completed next week so have a peek back then!

Monday 18 March 2013

Retro Cards

These are some cards I hand printed using a paper cut stencil of circles and squares and a drawing.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Elephant Cards

Screen printing elephant cards. Done with photo transfer and paper stencil.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Thursday 31 January 2013

Thank you...

A new look for the blog and a big thank you to all my viewers over the last couple of months.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Christmas Cards

Here are some Christmas card stencils ready to be screenprinted. Hand cut.